New Feature Added To Instagram, Now You Can Follow Your Friend By Scaned His Photo

An easy bit photo scanning feature in Instagram has been added to Nametag's name. With this feature, you can scan any photo and follow anyone ...

Adding your friends to the social media app Instagram has become extremely easy now. An easy bit photo scanning feature in Instagram has been added to Nametag's name. With this feature, you can scan any photo and follow anyone. The benefits of this feature will be to connect the community of the school and college students.

In the Nametag feature, you can scan QR code and photo which has an in-app camera. For this, you have to press and hold the screen. As soon as you scan the photos of an Instagram user, its profile pops up. To generate Nametag, you have to go to the Settings menu and choose the Nametag option. Instagram allows users to personalize graphics. You can also personalize colors, emoji, and selfies with photos. Which contains the Instagram logo and the username.

In addition to scanning the Instagram camera, users can also use the "scan a Nametag" option by tapping the same manual. Apart from this, users can also share Nametag's image in other social media channels. Let us know that Instagram had indicated this feature at the beginning of the year itself. Instagram has added this feature primarily to the College community.

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Earlier, Instagram had added a new feature on its platform. Under this feature, users will be able to see if their friends or those they follow are online on Instagram. This concept is similar to Facebook Messenger. If someone is online in Messenger then the user gets to know through the green icon. At the same time, Whatsapp also is preparing to introduce some stickers to improve the user's chatting experience.

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Instagram said that this feature will make it easier for users to chat in the app than ever before. Also, users can spend more time on the app. That is, chatting in real time will encourage users to use the app more. At the same time, users can also disable this option if you do not want to show your online status. For this, they have to go to the settings of the app and go to the activity status. From here it can be disabled.

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