Uses Of MS Word

Typical uses of MS Word :-

Word processors have a variety of uses and applications within the business world, home, and education.

  1. Business :

           Within the business world, word processors are extremely useful tools. Typical uses include:
  • memos
  • letters and letterhead
  • legal copies
  • reference documents  
          Businesses tend to have their own format and style for any of these. Thus, versatile word processors with layout editing and similar capabilities find widespread use in most businesses.

     2. Education :

          Many schools have begun to teach typing and word processing to their students, staring as early as elementary school. Typically these skills are developed throughout secondary school in preparation for the business world. Undergraduate students typically spend many hours writing essays. Graduate and doctoral students continue this trend, as well as creating works for research and publication.   

     3. Home :

          While many homes have word processors on their computers, word processing in the home tends to be educational or business related, dealing with assignments or work being completed at home. Some use word processors for letter writing, resume creation, and card creation.     

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