Another Shock News From Facebook

Social Media Platform Facebook has been another big shock. Cambridge Analytica has decreased the popularity of Facebook between the youths since the data leak dispute. After the American PEW Survey, most youth among the 18-year-old has shown Facebook app from his smartphone or has broken the face. Facebook has been made after the survey done by about 3,400 Americans you have been found. 26% of the youths you use not only Facebook You have completely deleted the Facebook app. While, 42 percent of youth has taken the break from Facebook, which is not used it.

However, this survey is not included in Facebook's owned Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger app users. This app is also quite popular. The apathy of youths to Facebook has come since the Cambridge Analitica dispute at the beginning of this year. Pew Survey has surveyed more than 3,400 American users in the month of May and June this year. In this survey, 5,4 percent of youth has also made changes in Privacy settings in Facebook.

According to this report, many users of Facebook have been able to reduce the use of Facebook nowadays. According to the US Security Agency FBI, the trend of abundant language on Facebook has increased, as well as Russia's some hackers tried to influence the US presidential election in 2016. For this, Facebook data was done by Cambridge Analitaica. After which the face was greatly cheating in Facebook at the beginning of this year. Afterward Facebook's Founder and CEO Mark Zukurberg apologized.

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